Abortion - No Time To Say Goodbye

By devoting yourself to yourself you can get through this.
Sadly to say there are times when we have to lose a life to save a life when a decision is made to terminate a pregnancy. An early termination is known as an abortion. There are people who strongly oppose abortions but unfortunately when it is a matter of life or death then there is no argument to fight.

Are you left traumatised by feelings of remorse after going through the experience of an abortion or are you hurting on the inside because you had no time to say goodbye to the little one. Then remember heaven is a big place so baby will not be alone.

It is a big decision for any woman to have to make so listen carefully to all the reasons given for why the proposal of an abortion has been suggested. This will help you understand matters better.
Having an abortion does not affect you conceiving future babies but it can if you don`t regarding the circumstances on your health issues.

This is the 21st century where so much help and advice is at hand but still the numbers are on the increase with unwanted teen pregnancies. Girls why put yourself through all the pain and heartache that comes with making decisions on abortion - unlike some unfortunate mothers where their choices were zilch.

Abortions are legal under 24 weeks in the areas of Scotland England and Wales if agreed upon by two doctors who believe the health of mother could be affected seriously should the pregnancy be allowed to continue to go the full term.

Crucial elements that will be considered by the doctor before finalizing any decision on aborting the pregnancy are major issues like the woman`s mental stability and physical well being where permanent damage can be done. If there are signs that baby may be born with a serious handicap then this is another reason why a woman may agree to a termination.

Remember the earlier you address the situation the easier it is to for any matters to be conducted appropriately for the abortion to take place. However even though the legal system states 24 weeks the sooner the better - this will help ease stress and pressure. Appointments for abortion clinics can tail back to at least two to four weeks.

We have two methods of abortion one is the medical abortion- known as the abortion pill. This procedure is carried out in the first 9 weeks of pregnancy and does not engage any surgery. The patient is given a tablet (mifepristone) a second tablet (prostaglandin) is inserted into the vagina approx 36 to 48 hours later. These two pills can end most pregnancies in about four hours.
The vacuum aspiration - known as the suction is the other method performed in theatre where the woman will under go a general or local anaesthetic.

The entrance to the womb (cervix) is lightly stretched to permit a tube to pass through. Once the tube is inserted it only takes about 60 seconds to remove by suction. Recovery after surgery in healthy women is not long roughly about an hour (if no complications).

It is common for a woman to experience some discomfort and bleeding for a few days after the abortion. You will be given just as much advice after the abortion as you were before going in for treatment.

If you are trying to come to terms with a loss or about to go through the experience of one then please be strong.

The open wound of heartache heals itself after a matter of time but it is the mental scar that stays with you for ever. Remember not to beat yourself up over the decision you made if it were the right one. How do you know if it was the right decision or not, well that is easy, it was when you realized god was at your side?

If mental anguish still prevails, then to help ease your mind body and soul talk with a yoga master. They do not have the cure but they certainly can help sedate your way of thinking in easing any displeasing thoughts that you have.


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